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Samples program


1) 10 points will be given after you like our facebook page:


2) Go to 'Products' tab and click on the brands to see the available samples under each brand.

     - Click on the images to see the product description and points required to redeem each sample.

     - Points required to redeem each sample are stated when you click on the picture.


3) Choose the samples you want for $0.00 at 'Shop for items' > 'xxx' brand logo > 'xxx' sample (Up to 3 each time)


4) A small delivery fee will be charged according to the delivery method chosen.


5) Points will be deducted accordingly


6) Earn the points back by giving a simple review of the product on our facebook page

     - Go to the 'xxx products and reviews' album of each brand to give a comment beside the image of the product you tried

     - For example, if you redeem two 5 points sample, you will get 10 points back by reviewing both.

     - If you redeem a 10 point sample, you will get 10 points back after giving a review.

     - Only a maximum of 10 points will be given for sample review


7) Earn an additional 10 points when you return us the sample bottles. Let's save the earth by recycling!


Rewards Program


1) 5 points will be given to customers who buy our products after trying plus 0.5 point will be given for every $1 spent.

For example, if you decide to buy a $12 item after trying and a $5 item you did not try, you will get 5 + 0.5*17 = 13.5 points


2) However, if you buy a product directly without trying, 1 point will be given for every $1 spent.


3) If you give a detailed review (Pros and Cons) of the product after using the product, you will be given 30 points.


4) You can use these points to:

    - Exchange for more 5 points samples or get more premium samples/gifts immediately or anytime you want at 'Shop for items' > 'After Purchase Samples'. (Up to 3 per purchase)

    - Get $1 rebate for every 50 points you earn


5) Do note that if you use the points you earn from the purchase to redeem for samples, a maximum of 10 points will be given for the sample reviews


Samples/Rewards Program

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